* Explore abilities - fixed that it doesn't receive +1/+1 counter on empty library (#6127) * Enters battlefield, played land triggered abilities - fixed multiple rollback errors on missing target * Council's Dilemma abilities - improved display of vote * Commander change zone - fixed a problem of triggered effects that detect if a creature was exiled but the creature ended in a another zone (e.g. * Deck editor: added new xmage export format with extra info about cards (color, CMC, types - #6110) * Deck editor: fixed that RTR cards doesn't shows in pioneer format filter * Deck editor: fixed missing loading cursor
#Yixlid jailer underworld breach download#
* Images: fixed wrong images download for 6ED set * Game: Duel Commander - fixed missing banned card Yuriko * Game: Centurion Commander - fixed missing banned cards Gaea, Mishra, Sensei and Yawgmoth * Game: Canadian Highlander - updated card points

* Added old experimental Monte Carlo AI version to distributing (#6114) * Gain control abilities - fixed wrong target chooses by computer (selects weakest permanent instead most powerful) * Fixed that computer can't target cards on battlefield if it contains tokens * Target of an opponent's choice abilities - fixed that computer was able to cancel card cast, fixed wrong target chooses ( Evangelize, Echo Chamber, Arena, Preacher, etc) * Replicate abilities - fixed that computer can freeze the game after play card with replicate (AI don't use it now) * Kicker abilities - fixed that computer can't cast cards with kicker for normal cost (AI don't use kicker now) * Buyback abilities - fixed that computer can't cast cards with buyback for normal cost (AI don't use buyback now) * Added missing adventure card type info in rules (instant or sorcery)

* Fixed wrong card name on the stack in image render mode * Added adventure spell info in permanent's rules on battlefield * Improved game logs (card hint works with adventure spell now, added original card info to cast's log)
#Yixlid jailer underworld breach windows#
* Adventure cards exile windows shows player name now * Adventure cards shows adventure spell name in deck editor's list now * Adventure cards shows adventure and normal cost now (in deck editor, hand, etc) * Split cards shows left and right mana cost now (in deck editor, hand, etc) * Fixed that it asks players to choose in random moments * Fixed that it can gives too much mana ( Mana Reflection and many other cards: #5943, #6106, #6102, #5935, #5385) * US server upgraded for less restarts (us.xmage.today) * Network data optimization (missing data compress for some server's responses) * Added auto-chat messages about connection problem with opponents (checks player status every minute) * Game: fixed priority lost for some abilities, fixed priority lost in declare attackers/blockers step * Game: improved /fix command to support disconnected/freezed players * Game: no more game freezes for disconnected players in started games (on mulligan, yes/no choices, etc) * Game: no more game freezes on commanders from disconnected players in started games * Tournaments: fixed that games never starts if player got connection problem (disconnected player will force to join after 10 seconds and lose the game now, #6150) * 95 new cards from Theros Beyond Death (THB)